Why should I use an agent when I can go online to shop for coverage?

An agent is professionally trained on the products they represent. They are required to have 24 continuing education credits to make sure they continue to be current on insurance topics. Agents are client advocates and can work with insurance companies to resolve issues quickly – much more quickly than the client can do that working directly with the insurance company. The services of an agent are free to a client.

Independent brokers represent a number of different insurance carriers, which means our goal is to provide a solution which is not tied to only one company. This means better choices for our clients.

Lucy is from the Columbus Ohio area and has a grasp on what is happening now in the the health insurance industry. She will talk with you over the phone or meet you in person in order for you to really understand what is available and what choices truly make sense for you. With Lucy you will not be guessing or confused by a myriad of options that seem overwhelming. Contact Lucy Today.